X. Feng. Multi-Plant Location involving Resource Allocation. Geographical Analysis. (Accepted)
Y. Zhu, S. W. Myint, X. Feng*, & Y. Li. An Innovative Scheme to Confront the Trade‐Off Between Water Conservation and Heat Alleviation with Environmental Justice for Urban Sustainability: The Case of Phoenix, Arizona. AGU Advances, 4(1), e2022AV000816. (*corresponding author; this paper was selected for featuring as an Editor’s Highlight, which was published on Eos.org)
R. Wei, X. Feng, S. Rey, & E. Knaap. Reducing racial segregation of public school districts. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 101415.
X. Feng, G. Barcelos, J. D. Gaboardi, E. Knaap, R. Wei, L.J. Wolf, … & S. J. Rey. Spopt: a Python package for solving spatial optimization problems in PySAL. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(74).
X. Feng, S. Rey, & R. Wei. The max‐p‐compact‐regions problem. Transactions in GIS, 26(2), 717-734.
X. Feng, A. Murray, R. Church. Drone service response: Spatiotemporal heterogeneity implications. Journal of Transport Geography 93, 103074.
X. Feng, S. Wang, A. Murray, Y. Cao, S. Gao. MOTO: A multi-objective trajectory optimization method for finding sequential activity locations over space and time. Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science, 2399808320913300.
X. Feng, A. Murray. Spatiotemporal Heterogeneous Allocation to Support Service Area Response. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, 82, 101503.
A. Murray, R. Church, X. Feng. Single facility siting involving allocation decisions. European Journal of Operational Research, 284 (3), 834-846.
X. Feng, A. Murray. Allocation Using a Heterogeneous Space Voronoi Diagram. Journal of Geographical Systems, 20(3), 207-226.
A. Murray, X. Feng, Ali Shokoufandeh. Heterogeneous Skeleton for Summarizing Continuously Distributed Demand in a Region. In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, vol. 114.
S. Wang, S. Gao, X. Feng, A. Murray, Y. Zeng. A context-based geoprocessing framework to find optimal spatiotemporal meetup location on road networks for multiple moving objects. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 32(7), 1368-1390.
X. Feng, A. Murray. Spatial analytics for enhancing street light coverage of public spaces. LEUKOS, 14(1): 13-23.
A. Murray, X. Feng. Public street lighting service standard assessment and achievement. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 53: 14-22.
X. Feng, S. Myint. Exploring the effect of neighboring land cover pattern on land surface temperature of central building objects. Building and Environment, 95: 346-354.
J. Song, S. Du, X. Feng and L. Guo. The relationships between landscape compositions and land surface temperature: Quantifying their resolution sensitivity with spatial regression models. Landscape and Urban Planning, 123: 145-157.